Philosophy gives us an opportunity to rediscover our intellectual curiosity, especially when applied to questions not traditionally considered 'philosophy'. I think the value of philosophy, and in its study, lies in its demand that we ask questions, and that we refuse to settle for easy answers. Unfortunately, philosophy has become more and more removed from the public sphere.
My work in public philosophy aims to change that. I want to rekindle our desire to ask even the simplest and silliest of questions. For instance, questions like: is the sky really blue?, or do I actually exist? The podcasts I wrote for the Texas Humanities Project address many such questions.
One of my major goals is to bring philosophy to groups who lack access to it. With this goal in mind, I founded Corrupt the Youth - a philosophy outreach program that works with high school students in under-resourced schools.
I have also written pieces about pre-college philosophy programs, and on the lack of diversity in philosophy.


Gender Talks, February 2020
You Didn't Start the Fire
This episode asks: how do you know what you know?
Corrupt the Youth
This episode explores why Ben Franklin so admired Socrates.
Thought Experiments
This episode questions just what philosophy is really good for.
The Battle of the Sexes
This episode explores the social construction of gender and the myth of objectivity.
Color Concepts
This episode might make you question whether the sky is really blue.
The Black Man's Cogito
This episode explores why who we are matters to how we approach our work.
Host Kensy Cooperrider in conversation with Briana Toole about the nature of knowledge.
The UnMute Podcast: Briana Toole on Identity and Knowledge
Myisha Cherry chats with philosopher Briana Toole about objectivity, identity and knowledge, being ‘woke', pre-college programs, and more.
Examining Ethics: Identity Matters– Standpoint Epistemology with Briana Toole
An episode centered on an idea known as standpoint epistemology, defended by philosopher Briana Toole.
Many Minds: From Where We Stand